2023 European Innovation Week
搭配COMPUTEX TAIPEI展期,歐盟成長總署、經濟部國際貿易局及歐洲經貿網(Enterprise Europe Network, EEN)將舉辦「2023歐盟創新週」(European Innovation Week)活動,今年主題聚焦ICT、循環經濟、太空、6G、氫能、機器人、Horizon Europe與新創產業等領域,將舉辦一系列論壇、洽談會及參訪活動。 活動將於5月31日辦理免費B2B及產業聚落媒合會,協助企業、研究機構尋找歐洲夥伴。歡迎有意前進歐洲市場的臺灣廠商踴躍報名!
Main topics
- Circular Economy
- Robotics
- 6G
- Hydrogen
- Horizon Europe
- Space
- B2B/C2C Matchmaking
Via this website you can
- Publish your cooperation wishes
- Manage pre-arranged bilateral meetings between European and Taiwan companies.
- Register to the different seminars and activities
Why participate?
The event will be a unique opportunity for enterprises aiming at:
- Targeting potential business partners in pre-scheduled meetings
- Reaching Taiwan markets and its key players
- Examining business and investment opportunities
- Establishing cross-border contacts with local companies
***Hotel expenses are also to be covered by participants but a special hotel
rate has been arranged for participants.
會議時間:2023年5月29日(一) ~ 2023年6月2日(五)
Nangang Exhibition Hall1(TaiNEX1) 南港展覽館1館
No. 1, Jingmao 2nd Rd., Nangang Dist., Taipei City 115 , Taiwan
Direction to Nangang Exhibition Hall1(TaiNex1) 點此前往南港展覽館官網
Nangang Exhibition Hall2(TaiNEX2) 南港展覽館2館
No. 2, Jingmao 2nd Rd., Nangang Dist., Taipei City 115 , Taiwan
Direction to Nangang Exhibition Hall2(TaiNEX2) 點此前往南港展覽館官網
Taipei International Convention Center(TICC) 台北國際會議中心
1 Hsin-Yi Road,Section 5,Taipei 11049,Taiwan ROC
NSTC 國科會(位於科技大樓)
No. 106, Heping E. Road Sec.2, Taipei, Taiwan
報名時間:即日起 ~5月23日(二)